Propelled by gale-force-nine winds, the snow pelted the weary barmaid struggling home after last orders on Christmas Eve.
Above the tempest’s fury, the young woman heard a familiar voice yell, “Betty.” She lifted her head to see Joe in his sheepskin flight jacket waving at her. Before she could react, the airman disappeared in a squall of snowflakes.
Joe’s Lancaster bomber had crashed in flames during a raid over Germany the night before.
Betty believed her fiancé was flying with the angels until a telegram arrived six months later to inform her Joe was a POW in Stalag Luft III.

Flying With The Angels is my contribution to the 2021 Advent Ghosts Shared Storytelling event hosted by Loren Eaton on his excellent blog at where you can discover all the spooky tales submitted for this and previous Advents.


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