The ghoul stalks the isolated village every Christmas Eve.

When he’s near, the wind moans through the treetops, and builds into blood-curdling howls. Temperatures plunge. Fires flicker and die.

Set eyes on the ghoul’s skinless face? If you don’t drop dead on the spot, all your hair falls out, and you’ll be struck dumb for life.

Shuttered windows and locked doors are the only protection.

The widow couldn’t remember locking her door.

The fire lay cold in the hearth.

Transfixed by fear, she could only stare as the knob slowly began to turn…

The wind raged. 

The door flew open…..

Well, that’s where we must leave the tale of The Ghoul as there’s a 100 word limit for entries to Advent Ghosts.

Merry Christmas everyone.

The Ghoul is my contribution to the 2022 Advent Ghosts Shared Storytelling event hosted by Loren Eaton on his excellent blog where you can discover all the spooky tales submitted for this and previous Advent Ghost events.


To read an original collection of short stories on please click here > Short Stories or on the menu tab at the top of the page.

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